Irish Springtime Cozy Wishbox

Irish Springtime Cozy Wishbox

The Wishing Chair Shop
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Our wishboxes are curated to provide the perfect gift for a special occasion. We create a collection of appropriate, Irish-made goods for you, or a loved one, and we ship it to you, or them, as you decide. 

As all of our products are locally sourced and most are hand-made, items in the wishboxes may differ slightly from the photograph. If we do not have an exact replacement, we will always put in another beautiful item of equal or higher value. 

Irish Springtime Cozy Wishbox

This Wishbox includes a beautiful Donegal-made McNutt woollen scarf, locally produced honey, Ulster Weavers cotton tea towel and mug and a hand knit bobble beanie in amazing colours which adds to the snuggle and cosy factor of this gift.

(If you have a preference for a particular colour of scarf, beanie, mug or tea towel please go to our McNutt scarf , Ocean Weave beanie and Ulster Weavers sections on our website, make your choice, and send us a side note of your chosen colour when ordering your wishbox.