Our wishboxes are curated to provide the perfect gift for a special occasion. We create a collection of appropriate, Irish-made goods for you, or a loved one, and we ship it to you, or them, as you decide.
As all of our products are locally sourced and most are hand-made, items in the wishboxes may differ slightly from the photograph. If we do not have an exact replacement, we will always put in another beautiful item of equal or higher value.
AlgAran is the brainchild of Rosaria Piseri, who has created wonderful organic products from the richest fruit of the Atlantic Coastline; natural seaweeds. AlgAran seaweed is hand harvested from the beautiful shoreline of West Donegal, and we are delighted to stock a range of these products in our shop.
We have chosen our best sellers in this range for this wishbox. If you would like something different please let us know.
Please note; Due to USA restrictions on liquids, this product cannot be shipped to the USA